
Vitamin Boosters & Medication add-ons





  • Reduces severity of sickness

  • Decreases the duration of the common cold

    *can be added intravenously to your chosen hydration treatment

Vitamin C

**(IV add on or Intramuscular Injection)

$30 -2500mg vitamin c

(Additional Vitamin C beyond 2500mg - $30-$50)


  • Increases the residency to infections like cold/flu or other viral/bacterial infecctions

  • Improves energy levels and fatigue

  • Decrease duration of the common cold

  • Helps the body heal faster

  • Reduces severity of cold and flu

B Complex



  • Boosts metabolism

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Improves skin, hair

  • Preserves memory

  • Helps with fatigue

    *can be added intravenously to your chosen hydration treatment




  • Fast acting

  • Powerful anti-nausea

  • Anti-vomiting medication

    *Can be administered Intravenously or Intramuscularly



The Master Antioxidant. Powerful role in the body’s detoxification process. As we age, Glutathione levels decline. Meaning more free radicals, more risk for disease.



  • Improves mental focus and clarity

  • Prevents and reverses the effects of free radicals, toxins, and heavy metals

  • Rejuvenates your skin, hair and nail. Slows the aging process.

  • Cleanses vital organs

  • Can regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin C & E

  • Helps maintain healthy mitochondrial cellular growth which can be connected to cancer prevention, parkinson’s, and neurodegenerative conditions

  • Helps maintain optimal immune function

    *Direct injection allows for the most effective absorption (oral supplementation gets broken down by the digestive tract)

    *Can be administered IV push

Mineral Blend


This essential blend of minerals can help reverse the effects of dehydration, remove toxins and replenish vitamins.


Amino Blend


Helps boost your metabolism, improve energy levels, increase endurance and help to burn fat. It also provides your body essential and nonessential amino acids it requires to stay healthy.

(Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, Carnitine)


$20 *can be added intravenously to your chosen hydration treatment

Plays a critical role in energy production.


  • Promotes heart health

  • Helps with insomnia producing a sounder sleep

  • Reduces anxiety and stress

  • Helps with muscle cramps



Powerful pain reliever and anti-inflammatory but much stronger


  • Helps with moderate to severe acute pain

  • Non-Opioid (not addicting)

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (similar to ibuprofen i.e. Motrin/Advil)

    *Can be administered Intravenously or Intramuscularly

B12 (Super B Vitamin) -

**(IV add on or Intramuscular Injection)

An Energizing and fat burning intramuscular injection

$25 (by itself), $15 (add on with IV Therapy)*


  • Increases natural energy levels

  • Augments red blood cell production

  • Helps regulate sleep, mood and appetite cycles

  • Boosts immune system

    *Can be administered Intravenously or Intramuscularly



What are Vitamin Boosters shots versus IV push?

A Vitamin Booster Shot is a quick 10-second injection that delivers vitamins intramuscularly, directly into the gluteal or deltoid muscle. There is no IV access required with vitamin boosters. The dosages of vitamins also differ since a smaller volume of vitamins can be injected into the muscle, however it still gives nearly similar absorption as IV route going directly into the bloodstream.

IV push allows vitamins and/or medications to be administered through a port on the IV tubing and depending on the medication can take a short period of time and up to15 min to administer. These medications are delivered directly into the bloodstream to provide optimal absorption.


Weight Management Boosters

>Lipo-Mino Mix*-

Lipo-Mino Mix contains special lipotropics for fat burning. This special blend of ingredients helps to facilitate fat loss and helps the body turn fat into energy. The formula has additional ingredients that reduce appetite, build muscle, boosts your metabolism and promotes a healthy immune system. This booster injection is deal for those battling inches or just trying to maintain their weight.

*Pyridoxine (B6): Promotes red blood cell production and converts food to energy.

*Methionine: Helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert to energy.

*Inositol: Converts food to energy.

*Choline: Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy.

*Carnitine: Building block for proteins, helps body burn fat as fuel

*Hydroxycobalamin B12: Energy, healthy nerve cells. More bio available than cyanocobalamin.

*B6: Metabolism booster. Promotes red blood cell production and converts food to energy.

*Thiamine (B1): Improves immune system, helps convert fat and carbohydrates into energy

*Riboflavin (B2): Increases metabolism, supports immune system

*Valine: Suppresses appetite

*Administered as an IM Booster shot. Recommended as a weekly injection.

Metabolism Enhancers-

Metabolism Enhancers help rev up the engines by giving you more energy and boost your metabolism so you breakdown carbs, sugars and fats more effectively. Faster metabolism and you don’t hold on to the pounds.


>B12 Hydroxycobolamin